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Hegemony - Marcos Lupernikes

Writer's picture: Chronicles of EnochChronicles of Enoch

Marcos Lupernikes; Spartan deserter, vagabond, general , Kalshodar, punisher of the guilty...

Once, he was known simply as Marcos the Spartan but dramatic events one day changed that. He picked up the name "Lupernikes" or "The Victory of Wolves" that day in what would be one day called Nepal.

The army had been camped on a frozen plain for months while Alexander did gods know what inside the mountain. Big armies get restless when they're inactive; with no enemies to fight, they look for action closer to home.

By this time, Alexander's army was made up of Macedonians, future Greeks, Persians, Sogdianians, Scythians, Indians, various Asians along with thousands of "camp followers" (suppliers, wives, children, artisans, entertainment)...division was already very much present. Some of the younger soldiers formed gangs of the kind often found in less salubrious neighbourhoods.

The "little wolves" ran various extortion schemes, petty theft, prostitution rings, protection rackets...the usual. They were tolerates until they crossed into murder and rape...

They raped young prostitutes and then viciously murdered them and Lupernikes got to hear about it.

Their leader was a cocksure little pup; full of vim, verve, and fancy Athenian ideas. He felt he was owed something. He felt his band were fighting oppression and his little pack would be instrumental in liberation Greece from the Macedonian Tyrant. He gave such a speech as Lupernikes sat in judgement.

Lupernikes, who was going to whip them all and them hang them had another idea...he told the assembled army thusly;

"You are big bad wolves chasing away the dogs, eh lads? Biting the hand that feeds and maintains you too? See, rape is rape and bullshit is bullshit, lads, no matter how you season the dish. You little dogs are no threat to Alexander or, by extension to me! Call yourselves wolves? Bollocks. Wolves don't yap, wolves watch, wait, and when the time's right, they do. Little dogs yap.
You say me letting you off, as you're certain I will - in the spirit irresistible fellowship and all that - will be the victory of your wolves, right?
Right. Only, see, there is no victory of the wolves, there is only me.
Geld them. Chain them in the yard for the night and any little pup yaps, end the lot of them, clear?"

So he became the big bad wolf that are the balls of the guilty or The Victory of Wolves from then on because army humour is rarely sophisticated. As a loconic Spartan, we think Lupernikes liked the titles.

Lupernikes here, in his excellent 3D model, holds Wolf-breaker, his imfamous black sword that is longer than most men. Note how his armour varies little from that of his fellow Kalshodar. This probably shows his laconic spirit as well as his practicality. A soldier is a soldier no matter his titles. Achilles dressed like his men, so does Lupernikes.

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Alan J. Fisher; Writer and Poet

© Alan J. Fisher and Chronicles of Enoch 2020
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